April 12, 2022 – JILA and Cubit Partner with Key Quantum Companies for an Engaging Panel

Women in Quantum Panel Video: Watch here!

Panelists from left to right: Ana Maria Rey (JILA and NIST), Judith Olson (ColdQuanta), Johanna Zultak (Maybell Quantum), Star Fassler (Vescent), Sara Campbell (Quantinuum), and moderator Brittany Mazin (ColdQuanta)

Colorado has a reputation for being a quantum ecosystem hotspot and a recent panel discussion further bolstered this image. It was hosted by JILA, a world-leading physics institute created by a partnership between the University of Colorado Boulder and NIST; and the CUbit Quantum Initiative, a CU Boulder research center. The panel, titled “Women in Quantum: What Does It Take,” brought in individuals from both quantum research and the quantum industry. With panelists from some of the biggest names in the quantum industry, including ColdQuanta, Maybell Quantum, Quantinuum, and Vescent, the discussions about the industry itself were relevant and engaging.