2021 FiO+LS Conference

2021 FiO+LS Conference

Date: October 31 to November 4, 2021
Time: 12:00am
Venue: Virtual Event, United States, Colorado
Organizers: FiO LS
Event Website:


Join the Visionaries at the All-Virtual FiO + LS Conference

October 31 – November 4, 2021

The meeting unites The Optical Society (OSA) and American Physical Society (APS) communities for five days of quality, cutting-edge presentations, fascinating invited speakers and a variety of special events.

Plenary, Invited and Contributed Talks

The conference chairs and subcommittee carefully curate a technical program that addresses the breadth and depth of the optics and photonics community. The meeting’s structure is influenced by OSA technical divisions such as fabrication, design and instrumentation; optics in biology, medicine, vision and color; and information acquisition, processing and display.

Each year, the Laser Science subcommittee selects key topics to address. The focus in 2021 is on nanophotonics, plasmonics and metamaterials; quantum science, ultrafast dynamics in complex systems; and XFEL and high-field laser science.

Plenary, invited and contributed talks are organized based on these topical categories. The result is a comprehensive technical program from some of the world’s leading scientists.

2021 Conference Themes

The Technical Conference is supplemented by three themes that leverage the intersection between science and applications— the end result is intended to illustrate the research within the technology.

Each theme operates as a unique workshop within the conference and features an exclusive 45-minute talk from a Visionary Speaker plus sessions and panel discussions comprised of an invited roster of speakers.

Connecting Research and Applications

Visionary Speakers

In a time of technological disruption and evolution, when even things as familiar as vision, computers and automobiles seem to be on the edge of amazing reinvention, FiO+LS brings forward true visionaries to speak about discoveries soon to come.

These individuals come from within and beyond the optics and photonics community — each equipped to provide insight into cutting-edge advances related to the conference themes.