Live Event with Option to Attend Virtually
Keynote Presentation:
A speaker from industry and from academia will discuss the Colorado quantum landscape. Colorado is putting its stamp on the quantum realm. The area sports decades of research expertise, a pipeline of talent and a roster of ambitious companies aiming to make waves. It’s an industry concentration that could pay huge dividends for the state’s economy if the technology lives up to its promise. Justin Ging, the Chief Commercial Officer at Honeywell Quantum Solutions, and Phil Makotyn, Executive Director of University of Colorado’s CUBit Quantum Initiative will give their perspectives on Quantum in Colorado will highlight the career pathways within the quantum photonics arena.
Colorado photonics companies which have achieved distinction in the industry will be honored with CPIA’s ‘Photonics Company of the Year’ and ‘Photonics Innovator of the Year’ awards. Also honored are individuals who have been critical to the success of CPIA and the photonics community. Join us in celebrating their success and the contribution of photonics to the Colorado economy.
Student Poster Contest:
The annual meeting is your opportunity to learn about current photonics and optics research conducted at ALL Colorado research universities. Interact with the students who will help fuel the next generation of photonics products.