Applicant Resumes
Posting of resumes is open to Colorado residents, Colorado students, or displaced employees of any Colorado-based companies. Please send your resume as a pdf file to Make sure the cover letter spells out your qualifications for listing. Postings will be removed from the web page after 90 days, after which they may be resubmitted. Please allow 2-3 days turnaround on listings.

David Miller – Ph.D. Candidate (August 2020), University of Colorado at Boulder
Electrical Engineering, Focus in Optical and Mechanical Design (posted 6/11/2020)

Agarwal, Shashwat – CU Boulder Graduate 2018
MS Mechanical Engineering, Opto-Mechanical Engineering, and Project Management Experience (posted 10/28/2019)

Boyle, Bret – Ph.D. Candidate, Colorado State University
Materials Chemistry: Polymer Synthesis and Engineering (posted 10/28/2019)

Oh, Taek – Ph.D., University of Maryland
Electrical Engineering, Focus in Optical and Mechanical Design (posted 6/11/2020)

Wang, Haiyan – Ph.D. Candidate (Dec 2019), CU Boulder
Optics and Photonics, Department of Electric, Computer, and Energy Engineering (posted 10/28/2019)

Ramlet, Logan – Ph.D. Candidate (May 2020), Colorado School of Mines
M.S. Applied Physics with Optics Focus (posted 10/28/2019)