Rocky Mountain Photonics Summit & Expo 2025

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Educating, doing business, developing relationships…

As an organization within the photonics space, your voice and brand are important to have in the conversation about its future.  Attending the largest photonics event in Colorado (in any capacity), provides you the opportunity and tools to make a difference within your organization, as well as within the industry at large.

The interdisciplinary fields of Lasers, Optics, and Photonics is the design and discovery of new materials which play a prominent role in industrial, medical, defense, and scientific research applications. The opportunities arising from lasers, optics, and photonics offer the potential for even greater societal impact in the next few decades, it is critical that you be a part of that conversation.

Whether you exhibit, sponsor or attend as an individual, we are certain that the 2024 Rocky Mountain Photonics Summit and Expo will serve as a regional platform for educating yourself on the newest technology, widening your professional contacts, creating new opportunities, and establishing new collaborations.

Innovation, research, and insights about emerging technology will be in the spotlight and be presented by world-class speakers and industry experts. Glance through the photo galleries, take a deep dive into the photonics organizations throughout the Rocky Mountain Region that will certainly be in attendance, and plan to come in 2024.

For more information call 303-834-1022 or email


Would You Like To Present?

CPIA invites industry representatives to submit abstracts for presentation at the fourth annual 2025 Rocky Mountain Photonics Summit & Expo taking place on April 17th, 2025 in Westminster CO.  Talks should inform on the latest technology and trends that expand the scope of photonics-related technologies and topics in industrial and commercial applications in at least one of the referenced tracks to the right.

Submit your abstract now!

Laser Reflect On Optic Table Un Quantum Laboratory
Track 1 Examples**
1a Frontiers in Laser Technology Laser beam shaping, laser frequency combs, solid state lasers, VECSELs, fiber lasers
1b Supporting the Quantum Liftoff Quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum Position, Navigation, and Timing, quantum communications
Track 2
2a Enabling the Photonics Workforce Outreach, Apprenticeship, Internships, Training Programs 
2b Incubating Photonics Startups Product-market fit, R&D to Product, financing your startup, finding your use case
Track 3
3a Sensing Innovations Part 1 Biomedical devices, remote sensing, aerospace imaging, photonic integrated circuits, spectroscopy etc.  
3b Sensing Innovations Part 2

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Considering Exhibiting?


Exhibiting is a great way to gain brand exposure and visibility by a captive (and relevant) audience.

Develop relationships that turn into corporate or technological advances.

Showcase products or services and set the tone before your launch!


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Considering Sponsorship?

There are a wealth of reasons to sponsor the Rocky Mountain Summit and Expo!

Sponsoring this premiere regional photonics event ensures greater brand awareness, providing your business with excellent exposure.

It is also a wonderful way to network with like-minded professionals within your industry, generating great leads. 

Finally, by promoting your involvement in the Rocky Mountain Photonics Summit and Expo, you can drive traffic from the event to your business…cooperative engagement…cooperative success. 

Why Attend?

Learn about the latest opportunities and challenges imposed by labor force and supply chain constraints. Explore new frontiers in laser technology and discuss how you can support the quantum liftoff.

The Rocky Mountain Summit & Expo offers a unique opportunity to learn about new developments, connect with professionals and showcase your own expertise in the field of photonics and optics.  Register your attendance today!

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