2021 Meetings

2021 Meetings

August 19New CPIA Member Highlight: Lever Photonics, Longpath Technologies and Momentum Optics. There were 45 people in attendance (32 in person, 13 on  zoom, and 22 went to Sanitas Brewing after). Click here for photos. It was the first time we’ve held a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and Zoom, so the recording doesn’t always include all the elements. Click here to view meeting recording.

May 20 – Optics and Imaging at School of Mines.
Click here to view recording.  Passcode: 70@GPhmt

February 18CPIA Quarterly Meeting: Colorado in Space!
Click here for recording.

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CPIA proudly has these individuals as members:

Rick Cox, Metrohm
Geoff Crowley, Orion Space
Jaden Davidson
Gordon Day, Division Chief Emeritus, NIST
Gary Horvath
Christopher Karp
Paul Minton, CEL
Rick Morrison
Austin Rider
Mary Ann Roe
Conor Ryan

CPIA proudly has these students as members:

Colorado State University

Priscilla Vazquez

FRCC Optics

Mel Jameson
Jason Westover


David Goldberger
Scott Hunter
Nickolas Materise
Alan Phillips
Daniel Scarborough
Cole Smith
Morgan Trexler

University of Colorado Boulder

Jan Bartos
Charlie Callahan
Bliss Cassidy
Mikayla Cervantes
Conrad Corbella Bagot
Scott Egbert
Yuka Esashi
Matthew Heyrich
Andrei Iskra
Greg Krueper
Alyssa Lalko
Carter Mashburn
Carl Mathurin
Eli Miller
Drew Morrill
Nareej Prakash
Peter Riley
Amy Robinson
Gabrie Seymour
Thariq Shanavas
Lange Simmons
Elizabeth Strong
Ashwin Yerasi
David Yun
Vesta Zhelyaskova